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Event Guide

01. Activities

  • Cultural and educational exchanges between the East and the West
  • Opportunity to experience Europe’s advanced aerospace industries
  • Introduction of Dalian Golden pebble Beach Experimental School in China’s Universe Love Education
  • Global Youth Forum and Global Academic Olympiad related to space and aerospace industries
  • Friendly Soccer Match against a German Bundesliga youth team and a Taekwondo Mass Demonstration in an international sports festival
  • College Fair

02. Visit to European History and Culture

  • September 26th to October 4, 2018(5nights and 6days)

03. GEFE2018 Main Event

  • Date : October 1 to 4, 2018(3nights and 4days)
  • Location
    • ▷ Main Event : STADHALLE OFFENBACH
      (Waldstraße 312, 63071 Offenbach am Main, Frankfurt, Germany)
    • ▷ Sports Festival : SPORTPARK PREUNGESHELM
      (Goldpeppingstraße 8, 60435 Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

◇ Major Events

  • Opening Ceremony, Commemoration Concert, Special Lecture, German Unity Day Taekwondo Mass Demonstration, College Fair
  • Friendly Soccer Match, Asian Culture Night, Korean Culture Night, Award/Closing Ceremony
  • German Bundesliga Professional Football Game

04. Watching German Bundesliga Professional Football Game

  • October 4 to 6, 2018(2nights and 3days)

05. Participants

  • 1,700 including 700 visitors onsite

06. Host & Organizer

  • Host
    • Global Vision Community School
    • Dalian Golden Pebble Beach Experimental School of China
  • Organizer
    • GEFE2018 Organizing Committee

Message from President

The latest topic of conversation in the world is the preparation for the fourth industrial revolution. The next generation of innovations in artificial intelligence, robotic technology, and life sciences is already in the forefront. The first industrial revolution was represented by steam engines and mechanics in the U.K. in 1784. The second was led by intelligent systems integration in 1870. The internet was an integral part of the computer and information revolution in 1969.

Europe and Germany

Europe is the starting point for modern civilization and it is well recognized that Germany has been central to promoting the next generation of new civilizations. It is also Germany that is making the most fruitful preparations for Christian education and for the future in the fourth industrial. In addition, as with most European countries, the social and national responsibility system for curriculum is sophisticated, with most education free of charge. In particular, Germany provides the best education in the world at a relatively low cost compared to other countries whose university education costs are too profit-oriented.

Korea and Germany

Germany is a country that deserves gratitude for providing Korea with development assistance after the Korean War. Germany assisted the reconstruction of the devastated nation by granting a loan and providing employment for miners, nurses, and other workers. Korea has been steadily provided the opportunity to receive advanced education by Germany. Through this, Korea has been able to grow in the areas of the economics and democracy. Reminiscent of such relationships in Germany, mutual gratitude and the solidarity of the both countries will be strengthened through this event.

China, other Asian Countries and Global Vision Christian School

Historically, Korea and Asian countries have been invaded by Western powers and have shared the pain of colonial rule in the course of their industrialization. Today, the international community is making diplomatic efforts to cleanse the pain of the past. Korea is still in the process of clearing up the past, especially in its relationship with Japan. However, in the interest of coming generations, an alliance based on goodwill that supports the reunification of the Korean peninsula should be established, as this will be the cornerstone of a more future-oriented relationship between Asian countries. At this opportunity, we will discuss the development and innovation of education with a sense of unity among Asian schools.

Students, School Staffs, Parents and Our Supporters.

The excellence and feasibility of the education offered by the Global Vision Christian Schools will be formally introduced and recognized at the gathering of European and Asian countries. It will be a place for scholars, scholars, and education leaders around the world, to look forward to the future of our education. I hope that all of the members of our education community can work together to open the door to a whole new culture. I sincerely hope that you will join me in this historic event.


Global Education Fair in Europe 2018

Why Europe?

Europe, the beginning of modern civilization
Germany, A leader of Industry 4.0 project

  • Germany is a leader of industry 4.0 project in Europe
  • Advanced space and aerospace industry
  • Advace to Europe’s leading universities and to become a bridgehead in Europe
  • Proclaim GEM·GVCS educational achievements throughout Europe
  • Emotinla development of studetns through cultural and educational exchanges between the East and the West
  • Opportunity of finding new visions in Europe

GEFE 2018 Schedule

GEFE 2018 Schedule - Day 1
10/1 DAY 1 Opening Day
TIME PM 7:30-8:00
PROGRAM Opening Ceremony
TIME PM 8:00-9:40
PROGRAM Otchestra
(Johann-StrauB-Orchester Frankfurt)
Taekwondo Demonstration(GVCS Taekwondo demonstration team)
Musical Pertormance
"Unsung Heroes"
GEFE 2018 Schedule - Day 2
10/2 DAY 2 Universe Love Day
TIME AM 9:00-PM 12:00
PROGRAM Global Academic Olympiad &
Yu-Shang Education
TIME PM 1:00-6:00
PROGRAM U-15 International Friendly
Soccer Match
Globel Youth Forum
College Fair
TIME PM 7:30-9:30
PROGRAM Asian Cultural Performance
GEFE 2018 Schedule - Day 3
10/3 DAY 3 Global Vision Education Day
TIME AM 9:00-PM 12:00
PROGRAM Global Youth Forum Final
German Unity Day Ceremony
TIME PM 1:00-6:00
PROGRAM Introduction of GVCS Education
College Fair
TIME PM 7:30-9:30
PROGRAM Korean Cultural Performance
GEFE 2018 Schedule - Day 4
10/4 DAY 4Closing Day
TIME AM 9:00-PM 12:00
PROGRAM U-19 International Friendly
Soccer Match
TIME PM 1:00-3:30
PROGRAM Korean Cultural Performance
TIME U-15 International Friendly
Soccer Match Final
Taekwondo Demonstration
Closing Ceremony

Watch German Bundesliga Professional Football Game

After the event, there is an optional program to watch the German Bundesliga professional football game. With the vivid heat, we can experience the essence of European professional football that we had only watched on TV on the ground.

GEFE 2018 Gallery

Student ID
